AARES 2022 Registrations


Registration for the main conference requires a 2022 AARES membership.

If you are not already a member, proceed to sign up under the Register tab below to become a member of AARES. Upon completion of the membership form, you will be redirected back to this page to complete your conference registration. If you are currently a member, please renew your membership using the Register tab below.

Registration to the workshops and event does require AARES Membership. If you are currently a member, log in to speed up the registration process.

Prices for workshops, the main conference and the event are as follows.

Conference Rate
Ordinary Member $80
Student/Emeritus Member $40
Student/Emeritus Ordinary Non-Member
Workshop 1 - Benefit-Cost Analysis: Traps, Challenges and Best Practice. $0 $0 $0
Workshop 2 - Early Career Virtual Event $0 $0 $0

To attend the conference, the workshops and the event, you must be a current financial member for the year the conference is held. By clicking the register button below, you can log in, renew your membership or become a member to proceed.

Log in/Register to attend the conference
Benefit-Cost Analysis: Traps, Challenges and Best Practice - $0.00
Early Career Virtual Event - $0.00
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