Travel Awards


Travel Awards

Awards to aid in travel expenses

To provide “young” agricultural and resource economists with an opportunity for professional and personal development and cultural exchange through their attendance at the annual conference of either AARES or an organisation with whom it has a reciprocal arrangement. Specifically:

Heading North

  • Awarded to an Australian or New Zealand-based AARES member to attend the annual conference of the AAEA in the USA
  • Winner to be awarded a grant to cover the cost of their online-only participation in the conference
  • Grants may be awarded to high calibre applicants to fund the cost of their online-only participation in the conference
  • Applicants do not have to have a paper accepted at AAEA to apply – they should include their paper in their application and we may be able to include it in our AARES session at AAEA.
  • Deadline: 1 March

Heading East

  • Awarded to an Australian-based AARES member to attend the annual conference of the NZARES in New Zealand.
  • AUD $1,500 (to cover airfares, accommodation and tickets to social events)
  • Conference registration
  • Deadline: 30 April
  • Heading South

  • Awarded to a North American based AARES member to attend the AARES annual conference in Australia.
  • USD $3,000 (to cover airfares, conference registration and accommodation)
  • Deadline: 30 August
  • Heading West

  • Awarded to a New Zealand-based AARES member to attend the AARES annual conference in Australia
  • NZD $1,500 (to cover airfares, accommodation, tickets to social events)
  • Conference registration
  • Deadline: 30 September
  • IAAE Award

  • Awarded to AARES members to assist their travel to and attendance at the triennial IAAE conference.
  • Up to $2,000 (to cover airfares, accommodation, tickets to social events)
  • Deadline: Every 3 years
  • Donna Brennan AARES International Travel Grants

    • Awarded to someone from a developing country to attend the AARES conference, with a preference towards Early Career Researchers or Professionals, women, gender-diverse people and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
    • AUD $1,500 plus conference registration and dinner
    • Applicants will need to have a paper/poster submitted at the AARES conference website at the time of their application
    • Deadline: 30 September