Academic Awards
Awards in academic studies
To recognise the most exceptional article published in AJARE in the preceding calendar year which makes a significant contribution to the field of knowledge in agricultural and resource economics.
- $500
- $500 book voucher for a Wiley publication
To recognise the most exceptional article published in AJARE by an Early Career Researcher in the preceding calendar year.
- $500 cash prize
- $250 book voucher for a Wiley publication
Henry Schapper Fellowship
To provide a leading researcher in a field relevant to economic and ecological sustainability to share their knowledge with AARES WA Branch members through seminars, workshops or other activities with members over the period of a week or two.
- $2,000 (to contribute towards airfares and accommodation)
- Closing date for submissions: 15 September
Post Graduate Thesis Award
To recognise the best post graduate thesis in the field of agricultural and resource economics
(this award replaces the Masters and PhD Awards).
- $500
- Closing date for submissions: 15 November
Quality of Research Communication Award
To recognise excellence in communication to an audience that is primarily outside the profession.
- $500
- Deadline: 15 November
Quality of Research Communication Award for EMCRs
To recognise superior communication of concepts or knowledge in any subject matter of professional specialisation (i.e., teaching, research, policy analysis, or extension) in agricultural and resource economics to a specified audience by an early or mid-career researcher (EMCRs).
- $500
- Deadline: 15 November
Quality of Research Discovery Award
To recognise excellence in published research intended for a primarily academic audience.
- $500
- Deadline: 15 November
Quality of Research Discovery Award for EMCRs
To recognise research that makes a significant contribution to the field of knowledge in agricultural and resource economics by an early or mid-career researcher (EMCRs).
- $500
- Deadline: 15 November
Undergraduate Award
To recognise merit in undergraduate performance in agricultural and/or resource economics and to introduce students to the Society. One prize per branch can be awarded in any one year.
- 1 year’s membership
- Airfare to Annual Conference
- Conference registration
OR - $200
Masters Research Award
** No longer awarded **
PhD Research Award
** No longer awarded **