Membership Rates


Membership fees

We offer 3 tiers of membership


Membership rates

Ordinary and Emeritus members may now opt to take out 3 years' membership. In order to adjust your online membership invoice accordingly, you must first advise the Central Office so your billing details can be updated.

  • All memberships are for the calendar year (Jan to Dec). If membership commences or is renewed in Oct to Dec then it will be carried through the  following calendar year. 
  • All amounts are in Australian dollars.
  • Ordinary 1 years Membership
    Ordinary 3 years Membership
    Student 1 years Membership
    Student 3 years Membership
    Emeritus 1 year Membership*
    Emeritus 3 years Membership*
    International Membership - Developing Country** $20.00

    * To qualify for Emeritus Membership, it is necessary to be +60 years of age, not in full employment and to have been an Ordinary member of AARES continuously for at least 10 years. Members wishing to qualify for Emeritus Membership must first contact the AARES Central Office.

    ** To qualify for International Membership - Developing Country, you must reside in a country recognised as being Low-income / Lower-middle-income / Upper-middle-income, as identified by the World Bank database.