New South Wales Branch


New South Wales Branch

The NSW Branch hosts the Annual Conference and Symposia from time to time. It holds regular Seminars. Further details can be found here & below.

Branch AGM

The New South Wales Branch has held its AGM in early December since 2017, shifted from March/April to align with the calendar year reporting cycle to Federal Council.

Current Committee

Position Full Name Mailing Address
President (acting) Sam Miller NSW Farmers
Level 4, 154 Pacific Highway
President Elect Sam Miller NSW Farmers, Level 4, 154 Pacific Highway
Past President John Madden Arche Holdings
PO Box 496, Bondi Road
Treasurer Mladen Kovac Natural Capital Markets & Accounts
NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water
4 Parramatta Square
Secretary Dean Johnson Natural Capital Markets & Accounts
NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water
4 Parramatta Square
Manager, Promotion and Development Sam Miller NSW Farmers
Level 4, 154 Pacific Highway
Federal Council Representative Dr Michael Harris Natural Capital Markets & Accounts
NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment & Water
4 Parramatta Square
Webmaster & Seminar/Webinar Organiser Rod McInnes 4/49 Terry Road

Upcoming events:


Date  Presenter  Topic
31 July 2024


Sue Ogilvy, Program Director, Farming for the Future

Liz Heagney, Research Director, Farming for the Future

Daniel Gregg, Quantitative Economist & Principal, Heuris Pty. Ltd

Mark Gardner, Regenerative Agriculture Advisor & Principal, Vanguard Business Services

Webinar: The Farming for the Future Program: what are its contributions to research, policy and to on-the ground outcomes? Seminar Flyer 

Previous events:

Date  Presenter  Topic
18 April 2024


Rob Stokes, Former Minister for Infrastructure, Cities, and Active Transport, Infrastructure NSW

James Carley, Principal Coastal Engineer, UNSW Water Research Laboratory

Shima Madani, General Manager, Balmoral Group Australia

Coastal Management: The Engineering, Economics and Policy Webinar Flyer Webinar recording (To come)
14 December 2023


Dr Rohan Henry, Consultant, One-Basin CRC, Committee on Aboriginal Water Interests

John Madden Director, Arche

AGM, Xmas Seminar & Drinks: Aboriginal Water Ownership: Combining governance and economics to turn on the tap Seminar Flyer 
8 December 2022


Jeff Bennett, Emeritus Professor at the Australian National University’s Crawford School.

Nick Hanley, Chair in Environmental and One Health Economics at the University of Glasgow.

Alexander Cox, PhD Candidate at the Australian National University’s Crawford School.

AGM, Xmas Seminar & Drinks: Biodiversity Offsetting: the state of play Seminar Flyer 
6-7 October 2022 Various. The Symposium replaced our normal Seminar Program for 2022 NSW Symposium:  Natural Capital in the 21st Century  Recording (To come)
9 December 2021 Stuart Kells and Scott Hamilton, Melbourne University AGM, Xmas Seminar & Drinks:  Sold Down the River Webinar Flyer Webinar recording (To come)
17 November 2021 Ross Kingwell, Chief Economist, Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre; Professor at the University of Western Australia; Chief Economist, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia) Australian Grains at 2040 Webinar Flyer Webinar recording (To come)
13 October 2021 Dr Rohan Best, Macquarie University Estimating the Impact of Rooftop Solar on Housing Markets Webinar Flyer Webinar recording (To come)
25 August 2021 Dr Kim Houghton and Katie Bassett, Regional Australia Institute Labour and skills are constraining regional economic growth Webinar recording
10 December 2020 Ash Salardini, Chief Economist and General Manager Trade, National Farmers Federation AGM, Xmas Seminar & Drinks:  Is competition policy obtaining ‘good’ outcomes in our food supply chains? Webinar Recording
9 July 2020 Lihini De Silva, Winner of the 2019 AARES NSW Undergraduate Prize Wasting Space? The Effects of Food-Organic Composting Services on Household Waste Generation Webinar Recording
21 May 2020 Manfred Lenzen, Integrated Sustainability Analysis, School of Physics, University of Sydney Estimating economic damage of climate-related disasters and spillovers from COVID-19 using an input-output framework Members only. 
4 December 2019 Tim Nelson, Executive General Manager, Strategy and Economic Analysis at the Australian Energy Market Commission AGM, Xmas Seminar & Drinks: Australia’s changing energy markets
3 October 2019 Mladen Kovac, NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment Lessons Learned in Developing the NSW Biodiversity Market
2 May 2019 Alastair Fraser, University of Sydney Intensive and Extensive Margin Responses in Electricity Conservation: How Households Respond to Financial Rewards
21 March 2019 Dodo Thampapillai, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore Contemporary Mainstream Economics and Contraindications for Climate Maladies
6 December 2018 John Madden, Associate Commissioner, Productivity Commission AGM, Xmas Seminar & Drinks:  National Water Reform: What's still to be done?
18 October 2018 Rebecca Taylor, Assistant Professor, the University of Sydney A Mixed Bag: The Hidden Time Costs of Regulating Consumer Behavior
13 September 2018 Jay Horton, Managing Director, Strategis Partners Livestock Econometrics in the Age of Big Data Members Only
3 June 2018 Manann Donoghue, Research Economist, ABARES Certification or Certainty? Impacts of 4C Certification on Coffee Smallholder Livelihoods
14 December 2017 Dr. Michael Harris, Senior Economist, NSW Environmental Protection Authority AGM, Xmas Seminar & Drinks: Risk and Uncertainty in Public Decision Making
9 November 2017 Dr Jason Crean & Dr Anthony Clark, NSW Department of Primary Industries A new approach to monitoring drought in NSW – the Enhanced Drought Information System (EDIS)
December 2016   No Xmas Event 
29 September 2016 Phil Townsend, PhD, Fenner School, ANU Assessing change in rural communities
18 August 2016 Harley Smith, Principal Economist, NSW Department of Industry A principles-based cost-recovery framework for government investment decisions: Biosecurity
30 May 2016 Professor Jeff Bennett, Australian National University Managing the Environment Privately (Lunch meeting)
May 2016 Sarah Smith, University of Sydney AGM & Seminar: The El Niño Southern Oscillation and Economic Growth in the Developing World
December 2015 Dr. Greg Hertzler, University of Sydney/Western Australia Xmas Seminar & Drinks: The demise of Ag and Resource Economics as we know it?
August 2015 John Fountain, NSW Department of Health Cost Benefit Analysis: Options to Protect Old Bar from Coastal Hazards
June 2015 Dr. Terry Griffin  Precision Agriculture Issues and the Evolution into Big Data
April 2015 Dr David Ubilava, University of Sydney Rises and Falls in Primary Commodity Prices: Blame it on ENSO or Leave Them Kids Alone?
November 2014 Presenter: Jay Horton, Strategis Partners Economic Stories of the Agri-foods Firm
September 2014 David Buckland and Harley Smith, NSW Trade and Investment Productivity in NSW
June 2014 Russell Toth, University of Sydney The Economics of Mobile Pastoralism in East Africa
March 2014 Elizabeth Nolan, University of Sydney The contribution of genetic modification to changes in corn yield in the United States
December 2013 Prof. Chris O'Donnell, University of Queensland Xmas Seminar & Drinks: An economic approach to identifying the drivers of productivity change in the market sectors of the Australian economy
August 2013 Caroline Hoisington and Laura Eadie, Centre for Policy Development A strong economy and a healthy environment
May 2013 Prof. Chris Barrett, Cornell University The impact of world oil price shocks on maize prices in East Africa Webinar recording
April 2013 Prof. Peter Warr, Australian National University Agricultural research, productivity and poverty reduction in Indonesia Webinar recording
December 2012 Dodo Thampapillai, National University of Singapore Xmas Seminar & Drinks: Towards a new way of thinking in economics
August 2012 Tom Murphy, Western Research Institute Economic impact analysis versus cost-benefit analysis Webinar recording
June 2012 Dave Appels, Frontier Economics Impacts of water trading in the southern Murray-Darling basin Webinar recording
May 2012 Jeff Bennett, Australian National University Little green lies: An expose of twelve environmental myths
March 2012 Nicole Hellyer, University of Kent Food choice, nutritional information and functional ingredients: An experimental auction employing bread
December 2011 Dr Brian Fisher, BAEconomics Pty Ltd Xmas Seminar & Drinks: Taxing resource rents and carbon - the impact on investment decision makers
September 2011 Dr Brian Davidson, University of Melbourne The value of water in Western Sydney
August 2011 Rod McInnes, Sydney Catchment Authority Valuing catchments as business assets: Ending the public squalor of urban water resources
July 2011 Dr Karel Nolles, Macquarie Bank The investment challenges and impacts facing electricity networks as a result of climate change policies
March 2011 Dr Alan Randall, University of Sydney Some reflections on sustainability in the Murray Darling Basin
December 2010 Alexandra Lobb, NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water Incorporating environmental risk and uncertainty into economic analysis for policy evaluation
December 2010 Laura Hohnen, NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water Modelling cost-effective air pollution abatement: a multiple period linear programming approach in the Sydney metropolitan area
July 2010 Alex McMillan, NSW Natural Resources Commission Lessons from recent NRC assessments of river red gum and cypress forests
April 2010 Joshua Gilroy, NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water Natural resources and regulation with a focus on native vegetation and the kangaroo industry