Benefits of Membership


Member Benefits

Members enjoy exclusive benefits


Benefits of membership include:

  1. Access to the highly regarded Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (AJARE), a leading international scientific journal which is a forum for innovative and scholarly research in agricultural and resource economics, with four electronic issues a year.
    Two prizes are awarded for outstanding Journal articles each year: one for Best Paper in the Journal, and another for a Best Paper by an Early Career Researcher. AARES membership is required for eligibility for these prizes.

    NB: AJARE has moved to digital copies only. If you would like to get a printed copy, you will need to contact Wiley at  AARES members can get individual print subscriptions to the journal at a discounted rate. For more information about the AJARE subscription, please contact the AARES Office at

  2. Access to prizes to encourage excellence in post-graduate theses, undergraduate studies, and conference presentations in Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

  3. Receipt of AARES News and Views, the Society's newsletter, which contains information about future events, calls for awards, topical articles about developments in AARES, etc.

  4. Registration to the Society's annual conference with associated workshops in February of each year. The program typically consists of keynote addresses by distinguished speakers, paper sessions, research reviews of current trends and issues, and alternative format sessions. The Conference represents an outstanding opportunity for delegates to network, share ideas and hear from some of the foremost experts in the field.

Join our society today!