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Events for May 2020

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Applying economics to wicked problems: Protecting the Great Barrier Reef

Thumbnail for Applying economics to wicked problems: Protecting the Great Barrier Reef

6 May 2020   Online

John Rolfe gave the 2020 AARES Presidential Address on this topic to the AARES Annual Conference in February. He reprises this important talk for us in our webinar. His theme was that simple policies and unrelated single instruments are ineffective when it comes to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). There ...

Estimating economic damage of climate-related disasters and spillovers from COVID-19 using an input-output framework.

Thumbnail for Estimating economic damage of climate-related disasters and spillovers from COVID-19 using an input-output framework.

21 May 2020   5:30 pm - 6:30 pm AEST NSW Branch Webinar

Free event! Tracking the inputs of production all the way through to consumption allows economists to draw detailed conclusions about the economic and environmental impacts of a broad range of scenarios. In this presentation, Manfred will demonstrate the flexibility of input-output analysis by using a comprehensive multi-region input-output framework to: • discuss the ...

Evaluating uncertain benefits of natural capital investments: the case of riparian buffer investments with carbon and water quality benefits

Thumbnail for Evaluating uncertain benefits of natural capital investments: the case of riparian buffer investments with carbon and water quality benefits

29 May 2020   2:00pm - 3:00pm ACST Webinar

Free event! Utilities, governments and industries invest billions in water supply and treatment infrastructure.  Typically, projects involve built capital like treatment plants or dams and man-made inputs like power and treatment chemicals. Recently, there has been increasing interest in “natural capital” investments that essentially restore and enhance the capacity of natural processes ...

Organisational Structure and Environmental Liability

Thumbnail for Organisational Structure and Environmental Liability

29 May 2020   11:00am - 12:00pm AWST Webinar

The standard economic model of a firm has little to say about how the firm is organised internally and whether this matters in terms of allocative efficiency. Specifically is a firm organised with product divisions more efficient than one with functional divisions (for instance, production, marketing and research)? Besanko et ...

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