Heading East


AARES-NZARES Travelling East Award


AARES and NZARES jointly offer this award to facilitate the attendance of one Australian-based AARES member at the AARES/NZARES conference in New Zealand in August each year in order to:

  • facilitate contact and discussion among those studying the problems or extending knowledge of agricultural and resource economics in Australia and New Zealand
  • stimulate comparative analysis and discussion of policies and programmes affecting primary industries, resources and the environment in both countries
  • encourage co-operation with scientific and other organisations and institutions engaged in similar or related activities in Australia and New Zealand.

Award recipients must attend and present a paper at the conference.

Amount of Award

AARES provides a grant of AUD $1,500 to substantially meet the costs of a return economy class airfare to New Zealand, accommodation for the duration of the conference, and attendance at the Conference Dinner and other social events at the Conference. The conference registration fee for the winner of this award will be waived by NZARES.


Applicants must be members of AARES and normally resident in Australia.


A call for nominations will be advertised in the April edition of News and Views, on the AARES website and in the NZARES newsletter.

Entries must be received by 30 April.

Applications for the award should include:

  • a paper for presentation at the NZARES conference, for which applicants are the sole or first author and which represent their original and unpublished work;
  • a one-page biographical statement; and
  • a one-page statement in support of their application, indicating what they would hope to accomplish through the award, why they would be deserving of the award, and confirming that they would be unable to attend the conference without this financial support.

Entries are to be submitted electronically to the AARES Central Office, and should include a short proposal addressing the selection criteria along with a copy of the entrant's CV which includes a record of their publications.  Applicants should identify how the award would facilitate interaction and cooperation between professionals in both countries.

Selection criteria

  1. First consideration will be given to professionals early in their career and/or those for whom funding to attend the Conference would be difficult to obtain from other sources.
  2. Award recipients must present a paper at the Conference representing original work that has not been published in its current form.  The paper will be judged on the quality of the research reported, its innovativeness, and the writing style.
  3. Preference will be given to papers that are on issues of relevance to both countries, and to those involving cross-jurisdictional comparisons, however, papers on any topic will be considered.
  4. Co-authored papers are acceptable, although the award will normally be made to one, normally a more junior, author.


Submission of an entry to be considered for the Prize implies acceptance of all of the conditions of the Prize.  The decision of the Council of the Society in regard to the winner will be final and no correspondence that questions or challenges results will be accepted from entrants.


Judging will be completed within two weeks of the closing date for entries and the winner will be advised as soon as possible by the chair of the selection committee.  The award will be announced at the respective Conference Dinners and published in the AARES News and Views, NZARES News, and other appropriate outlets. The level of the award will be reviewed by the AARES Council every second year.

Instructions to the Prize Committee

The Committee will determine the system to be used in judging entries and any specific criteria to be applied.

The Committee should finalise its decision by mid-May and the Committee Chair should advise the winner of his/her successful submission (with a copy to the AARES Central Office and the AARES New Zealand Branch President).

The Committee Chair should also advise the other entrants that their submissions were unsuccessful.

Instructions to the Winner

The winner will be advised of his/her successful submission by the Chair of the Prize Committee.

The winner should contact the New Zealand Branch President who will provide advice on the submission of the winner's paper at the Conference, as well as conference registration and accommodation options.

The winner should initially pay for their own airfares and accommodation.  AARES Central Office will reimburse the winner A$1,500 once proof of incurring these expenses has been received.

Travel Awards Committee

The Travel Awards Committee comprises:

  • The President of AARES (Chair)
  • The President of NZARES
  • The President of AARES NA Branch
  • The President-Elect of AARES
Year   Committee Members
2024   S. Tapsuwan (Chair) / P. Tozer / D. Scheitrum / J. Connor
2023   T. Mallawaarachchi (Chair) / F. Olubode / K. Fuller / S. Tapsuwan
2022   F. Scrimgeour (Chair) / F. Olubode / K. Fuller / T. Mallawaarachchi
2019   J. Rolfe (Chair) / S. Wheeler / D. Austin / T. Wahl
2018   S. Kerr (Chair) / J. Rolfe / D. Austin / D. MacEwan
2017   W. Umbwerger (Chair) / F. Scrimgeour / J. MacEwan
2016   W. Umbwerger (Chair) / F. Scrimgeour / J. MacEwan
2015   A. Randall (Chair) / B. Bell / A. Bekkerman / M. Newman
2014   A. Randall (Chair) / B. Bell / A. Bekkerman / M. Wegener 
2013   A. Randall (Chair) / B. Bell / A. Bekkerman / M. Wegener
2012   M. Wegener (Chair) / B. Bell / A. Bekkerman
2011   J. Quiggin (Chair) / D. Marsh / K. Curtis / M. Wegener
2010   P. Pardey (Chair) / D. Marsh / K. Curtis / M. Wegener
2009   R. Kingwell (Chair) / S. Ford / T. Marsh / M. Wegener
2008   C. O'Donnell (Chair) / D. Marsh / T. Marsh / M. Wegener

Previous Heading East Award Winners

2024   Nicola Thomas, Charles Sturt University
2023   No prize awarded
2022   Mohammad Rahman, University of South Australia
2021   No prize awarded
2020   Adnan Fakir, University of Western Australia
2019   Sanaz Shogi Kalkhoran, University of Western Australia
2018   Saeideh Saedi Khosroshahi, La Trobe University
2017   No prize awarded
2016   Pedro Flores Tenorio, La Trobe University
2015   No prize awarded
2014   Jonathan Moss, University of New England
2013   Stephanie McWhinnie, University of Adeaide
2012   No prize awarded
2011   Morteza Chalek, University of Western Australia
2010   Todd Sanderson, Sydney University
2009   Bethany Cooper, La Trobe University
2006   Matt Arthur, Hassall and Associates
2005   Dan O'Sullivan, Queensland EPA