IAAE Award


International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) Travel Award


AARES will grant $2,000 to assist with travel and conference registration fee costs for at least one travel award to the triennial International Association of Agricultural Economics (IAAE) conference.

The objective of this award is to provide the winners with an opportunity for professional and personal development and international professional and cultural exchange. In 2021 AARES provided the Roley Piggott Travel Award to the IAAE conference.  


Every three years, the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) organises a conference on agricultural economics, which attracts up to 1,000 delegates. The Association aims to:

  • foster the application of agricultural economics to improve rural economic and social conditions
  • advance knowledge of agriculture's economic organisation
  • facilitate communication and information exchange among those concerned with rural welfare.

The next conference is due to be held in 2024; for more information, please visit the IAAE website.


These awards are intended for agricultural and resource economists of all ages but in the early stages of their careers. Thus, stage of career rather than age, is what defines an appropriate applicant. Applicants for the awards must be members of AARES.


Applications for the awards should include:

  • a paper for presentation at the IAAE conference, representing their original and unpublished work;
  • a one-page biographical statement; and
  • a one-page statement in support of their application, indicating what they would hope to accomplish through the award, and why they would be deserving of the award.

Selection Committee

The AARES Travelling Awards Committee will oversee the process to call the awards and assess the nominations.


Applicants must be members of AARES and must have already had a copy of their paper or poster accepted for presentation at the IAAE Conference. Entries must normally be received by a minimum of 9 months before the IAAE conference.


A call for nominations will be advertised in News and Views and on the AARES website.

Entries will normally close at least by April in the year of the IAAE conference.

Entries are to be submitted electronically to the AARES Central Office.

Travel Awards Committee

The Travel Awards Committee comprises:

  • The President of AARES (Chair) 
  • The President Elect of AARES
  • The President of NZARES or representative
  • The President of AARES NA Branch or representative
Year   Committee Members
2024   S. Tapsuwan (chair) / J. Connor / P. Tozer / D. Scheitrum
2015   R. Cullen (chair) / J. McEwan / M. Newman
2012   M. Wegener (chair) / R. Sexton / A. Bekkerman / M. Doak
2009   M. Wegener (chair) / P. Pardey / K. Curtis / D. Marsh
2006   M. Wegener (chair) / R. Kingwell / T. Marsh / S. Ford
2003   M. Wegener (chair) / C. O'Donnell / T. Marsh / D. Marsh

Previous Award Winners

Year   Location   Recipients
2024   New Delhi, India   Sophie Lountain, University of South Australia
2015   Milan, Italy   Risti Permani, University of South Australia
2012   Foz do Iguacu, Brazil   Bob Lindner, Liz Nolan, Jibran Punthakey
2009   Beijing, China   Marta Monjardino, Christian Fletcher
2006   Gold Coast, Australia   Tihomir Ancev, Samad Azad, Michael Burton, Emma Comerford, Jason Crean, Bronwyn Crowe, Bob Farquharson, Jared Greenville, QuiQiong Huang, Kaye-Blake, Lan Li, Sally Marsh, Jill McClusky, Nam Nguyen, David Pannell, Budy Resosudarmo, Arlene Rutherford, Mariah Tanner Ehmke, Peter Warr, Sarah Wheeler, Xueyan Zhao
2003   Durbhan, South Africa   Anita Wreford, Graham Marshall
2000   Berlin, Germany   Loriz Strappazzon, Oscar Cacho, Stuart Whitten
1997   Sacremento, USA   Roley Piggott
1994   Harare, Zimbabwe   I Crellin, P Daniel, R Johnson, M Wegener
1991   Tokyo, Japan   C Brown, R Lindner, D Vere, K Wang, R Tyers, K Sharma
1988   Buenos Aires, Argentina   J Anderson, K Anderson, A Arch, I Jarrett, H Kehal, R Lattimore, J O'Conner, G Ryland
1985   Malaga, Spain   D Etherington, E Fleming, M Hossain, W Martin, K Parton, C Wilcox 
1982   Jakarta, Indonesia   No grant awarded
1979   Banff, Canada   G W Edwards, J L Longmire, O P Vincent, K R Anderson, O R Mackay, J H Johnston 
1976   Nairobi, Kenya   B S Fisher, A W Hogstrom
1973   Sao Paulo, Brazil   D R J Densley, R C Duncan
1970   Minsk,  USSR   J R Anderson, P C Druce